As distributed energy grows, so does cyber risk to the grid. Two energy security experts discuss solutions.
An EPA After Scott Pruitt
What might the EPA look like without current Administrator Scott Pruitt? Two regulatory experts discuss the future direction of the agency.
Legal Limits To State Climate Action
How far can the states go in implementing climate regulations against Washington’s will? Two regulatory experts discuss the legal limits to local climate action.
Rising Seas And The Future Of Coastal Cities
As sea levels rise, nuisance flooding is the first wave of assault on coastal cities. Can we protect our coasts from inundation, or is retreat inevitable?
Lessons From A Decade Of Cap & Trade
Carbon cap and trade is gaining momentum, most recently with China’s plan to build the largest carbon market. What can new markets learn from cap and trade’s past mistakes?
The Promise And Peril Of Self-Driving Trucks
Self-driving technology promises to revitalize the trucking industry. But increased energy demand and air pollution are possible downsides.
The Future Of Nuclear Host Communities
Nuclear power plants pump millions of dollars into local economies. As the rate of nuclear retirements accelerates, will surrounding communities find a way forward?
Envisioning A Low Carbon, Lowest Cost Grid
Today’s electric grid will need to be reimagined to deliver carbon-free power. MIT’s Jesse Jenkins talks about what a deeply decarbonized electricity system might look like, and how to build it at lowest cost.
The Local View Of Fracking
The view of Americans on the environmental and economic implications of fracking continues to be sharply divided a decade after the shale revolution began. But the author of a new book, The Fracking Debate, finds more nuanced perspectives in wellhead communities.
Corporations Deepen Clean Energy Commitments
U.S. corporations increasingly look to manage their carbon footprints, and energy costs, by entering into clean energy power purchase agreements (PPAs). The contracts offer a tailwind to renewable energy developers, but can challenge traditional utility-customer relationships.