Can consumers take the lead in reducing U.S. carbon emissions in the absence of strong federal climate policy? New research takes a look at three aggressive pathways for the U.S. to meet the Paris goals.
Report Highlights 3 Paths for U.S. to Meet Paris Climate Target
The research shows how the 80% carbon reduction goal can be met under three very different scenarios, with the federal government, the states and consumers each taking the lead in driving change across the energy system.
The FERC, An Under-the-Radar Federal Regulator, Is Key To U.S. Energy-Climate Balance
The FERC is fractured, along familiar Democratic-Republican lines, over the extent to which climate concerns should factor into its review of new gas pipelines and liquefied natural gas export terminals.
Why Coal Persists
Global demand for coal is projected to persist over the next 20 years, with dire implications for climate. Why has coal use endured, and what might be done to limit its use?
What’s the FERC, And How Is It Shaping Our Energy Future? (Part 2)
Former FERC Commissioner Colette Honorable discusses the agency’s challenging relationship with the states over clean energy subsidies and their potential impact on the nation’s electricity markets.
Clean Energy Is An Investment, Not A Cost
Due to climate change, the choice of which energy technology to use is no longer a binary one that pits the cost of renewables against the status quo. There is now a third reference point, which is the future.
What’s the FERC, and How is it Shaping Our Energy Future? (Part 1)
Former FERC commissioner Colette Honorable discusses the government agency that finds itself at the center of many of today’s most critical energy debates.
IEA Challenged to Address Limits to Negative Emissions
Use IEA’s World Energy Outlook to push for more climate action, investors and researchers say. And, be transparent on the limits to negative emissions.
A Hard Look at Negative Emissions
Much faith is being put in the ability of negative emissions technologies to slow the pace of climate change. Glen Peters of Norway’s Center for International Climate Research looks at the potential of negative emissions strategies, and the steep challenges to implementing them.
As Carbon Pricing Proposals Multiply, What’s the Right Carbon Price?
New carbon pricing initiatives in Washington set ambitious price targets that may not fly in the current political climate. Existing cap and trade markets may show what pricing will work - until the pols catch up.