California is set to present its strategic plan to scale an offshore wind power industry based on unconventional floating wind technology.
Tackling Climate Technology Investment Risk
Nick Rohleder, Energy Policy Now’s former editorial assistant and current climate entrepreneur, discusses the challenge of managing the investment risk inherent in emerging clean energy technologies.
Pennsylvania Effort to Join RGGI Faces Legal, Political Peril
A new report examines the economic and climate impacts of Pennsylvania joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, now stalled in court.
Geography, Equity, and the Energy Transition
A geographer explores the impact of location on worker opportunity and equity in the clean energy economy.
Breaking the Bottlenecks to Climate Progress
Princeton University researchers have launched a global survey aimed at spotting and eliminating practical barriers to a net-zero carbon future.
Energy Transition Puts Grid Reliability to the Test
PJM Interconnection is in a race to shore up electric grid reliability as the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy accelerates.
Acclerating Climate Action
A senior climate diplomat discusses scientific, economic, and diplomatic barriers to rapid global decarbonization.
Climate Shocks and Green Returns
New research examines the relationship between climate change-related events and returns on green investment, and why returns for green stocks might lag those of brown.
How Families Cope with Energy Insecurity
New research looks into coping mechanisms that families use to navigate energy insecurity, as a guide for policy-based solutions.
Scaling Private Finance for Global Solar Growth
A working paper from WRI, the International Solar Alliance and Bloomberg Philanthropies examines the essential role of private finance in scaling solar power development.