More states are targeting 100% clean energy, but is the electric grid ready? An expert in energy policy and economics looks at the policy challenges to creating a robust, carbon-free electricity system.
The Challenge of Scaling Negative Emissions
The author of the first text book on carbon capture looks at the potential for negative emissions technologies to limit global warming, and discusses the challenge to scaling solutions for positive climate impact.
Energy Transition Challenges for the 2020s
What key developments are likely to mark the energy industry in the decade of the 2020s? Two experts in energy politics and economics offer their views of the future.
A Carbon Tax Won’t Kill the Economy
Criticism that carbon pricing will undermine the nation’s economy gets it wrong, though certain constituencies, particularly those dependent on oil, gas and coal may have grounds to worry about local impacts.
Clean Energy Is An Investment, Not A Cost
Due to climate change, the choice of which energy technology to use is no longer a binary one that pits the cost of renewables against the status quo. There is now a third reference point, which is the future.
A Hard Look at Negative Emissions
Much faith is being put in the ability of negative emissions technologies to slow the pace of climate change. Glen Peters of Norway’s Center for International Climate Research looks at the potential of negative emissions strategies, and the steep challenges to implementing them.
Vox’s David Roberts on Energy, Climate, and the Media
Vox writer David Roberts weighs in on the media’s role in shaping views on energy and the environment.
The Battle Over Methane Leaks
As Washington relaxes standards governing methane leaks, oil and gas industry leaders pledge to limit emissions. An economist and an environmental advocate examine the impact of methane leaks, and the credibility of industry efforts to contain them.
Gas Pipelines: A Threat To Electric Grid Resilience?
As natural gas has grown in importance as a fuel for electricity generation, have gas pipelines become the electric grid’s Achilles heel? A cybersecurity expert discusses the risk posed by the grid’s growing dependence on gas.
Envisioning A Low Carbon, Lowest Cost Grid
Today’s electric grid will need to be reimagined to deliver carbon-free power. MIT’s Jesse Jenkins talks about what a deeply decarbonized electricity system might look like, and how to build it at lowest cost.