More states are targeting 100% clean energy, but is the electric grid ready? An expert in energy policy and economics looks at the policy challenges to creating a robust, carbon-free electricity system.
Rebuilding Puerto Rico’s Electricity System
Puerto Rico’s electric system was destroyed by Hurricane Maria in 2017. Will privatization of the island’s electric utility ensure reliable and affordable energy for the future?
The Path Forward for Grid Electricity Storage
Battery storage will play a central role in decarbonizing the nation’s electric grid, yet the rules by which batteries will compete in electricity markets have yet to be agreed upon.
As India Eliminates Energy Poverty, Can It Also Fight Climate Change?
Piyush Goyal, India’s minister of railways and coal and past minister of renewable energy, discusses his country’s efforts to provide universal electricity access while limiting power sector pollution and climate impact.
Negative Emissions Won’t Rescue Us From Climate Change
The gulf between the promise of negative emissions technologies and their real ability to offset a future of high carbon emissions appears unbridgeable, if not in terms technological viability, then almost surely in terms of magnitude and scale.
Gas Pipelines: A Threat To Electric Grid Resilience?
As natural gas has grown in importance as a fuel for electricity generation, have gas pipelines become the electric grid’s Achilles heel? A cybersecurity expert discusses the risk posed by the grid’s growing dependence on gas.
Grid Resilience In The Cyber Age
Can the U.S. electric grid remain resilient as the threat of cyber and physical attack rises? Pennsylvania PUC Chair Gladys Brown talks about state and federal efforts to safeguard the electric power system.
On Climate, Forget 2 Degrees. Let’s Talk Net Zero
By emphasizing temperature goals, it's relatively easy for nations to appear to be doing more to address climate change than they really are, and harder for the public to discern the shortfall.
U.S. Offshore Wind Industry Arrives
After a decade of false starts, the U.S. offshore wind industry is poised for real growth. The chief of the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s renewables office takes a look at the future of offshore wind.