The transition to a clean energy economy will generate millions of new jobs. Unions are working to ensure that those jobs provide a living wage.
Coal Communities Seek Their Post-Coal Future
Heidi Binko, Executive Director of the Just Transition Fund, discusses the challenges coal communities face in adapting to a post-coal future, and strategies for economic transition.
Powering Women’s Economic Development Through Equal Access to Energy
Sheila Oparaocha of the International Network on Gender and Sustainability discusses the global effort to ensure gender equality in energy access, as an essential foundation for economic development and public health.
Sale Of Largest East Coast Refinery Closes With Last Minute Drama
As Hilco and PES’s creditors squabbled over the refinery’s final sale price, concern grew that the sale would falter.
Clean Energy Generates Jobs. Why Does Washington Look Away? (Forbes)
Efforts to stifle clean energy development extend into the fabric of federal government.
Sunrun Policy Chief Talks COVID Impact and Solar Power Future (Forbes)
Solar’s downturn isn’t unique, but it hurts all the more because the industry exists at the nexus of green jobs and climate solutions.