Brazilian economist and IPCC lead author Roberto Schaeffer examines what constitutes a “fair share” of emissions reductions under the Paris climate process, and how fairness is defined.
How Families Cope with Energy Insecurity
New research looks into coping mechanisms that families use to navigate energy insecurity, as a guide for policy-based solutions.
Energy Transition and Opportunity in the Oil Patch
As energy industry growth shifts to the clean sector, oil and gas industry workers seek their paths forward.
Organized Labor Sees Promise in Transition to Clean Energy
The transition to a clean energy economy will generate millions of new jobs. Unions are working to ensure that those jobs provide a living wage.
Who Pays the Price for Stranded Energy Assets?
A climate economist looks at the impact that the stranding of fossil fuel assets may have on communities, and at policies that might mitigate economic hardship.
Can Americans Afford to Fully Electrify Their Homes?
A leading energy economist explores the cost of electrifying home heating, the top source of energy demand and carbon emissions in American homes.
Grid Forward Debate: Has Electricity Deregulation Let to Better Community Outcomes?
Electricity market deregulation promised to bring more affordable and reliable electricity to consumers. A quarter of a century after deregulation began, has its promise delivered for all Americans?
Zoning Rules Stifle Urban Clean Energy. Can The Rules Be Rewritten?
Outmoded and often discriminatory zoning laws block clean energy development in low-income urban neighborhoods. An effort is underway to update rules, and enable clean energy equity.