FERC has spent the last three years issuing rules that insulate electricity markets from responsibility for the climate damages they cause. The result has been a backlash from the states.
Clean Energy Is An Investment, Not A Cost
Due to climate change, the choice of which energy technology to use is no longer a binary one that pits the cost of renewables against the status quo. There is now a third reference point, which is the future.
Can Nuclear Bailouts And Electricity Markets Coexist?
Recent financial bailouts of nuclear reactors in New York and Illinois highlight the conflict between states’ environmental goals and the integrity of electricity markets. As more states weigh subsidies, debate over their market impact and legality expand.
Fossil Fuel Subsidies: Should They Stay Or Should They Go?
Fossil fuel tax breaks cost the U.S. $4 billion per year. A former Treasury Department Environment and Energy official looks at whether that’s money well spent.